Christian Singles Connecting
What is @TCSHProfiles?
It is a space for Christian Singles to highlight themselves to a network of other likeminded Christian Singles. By posting your profile you are saying that you are single, looking and available to be contacted by others. Check out our main page @thechristiansingleshub for details on events/retreats & more.
How do I post a profile?
Just click the link In our bio that says “fill out the form here” and pay at the link that says “pay here”. Once you are paid you will be posted as soon as possible. Most likely that will be within the week unless we are on vacation, away or hosting a retreat or event.
Is there an age limit?
You have to be at least 21 years old.
If you live outside of the US are you welcome to post?
Yes, absolutely. We will use hashtags to help filter as we grow.
I made a mistake on my profile, can I edit or resubmit?
No. Please check to ensure you have the right handle and information.
Use at your own risk –
Please use your own discretion when connecting with other people here. Although we sincerely hope this community will be filled with the best of the best types of people, we cannot guarantee you will not come across some people who may seem a little bit off. Gently let them know you are not interested and please don’t report someone unless it is something serious. We are all adults here and we will not be babysitters/coaches or mothers. If you know you know that you’re not interested, please let them know you are not interested. Let’s be kind and above all let’s honor people and treat them like they are children of the King of Kings. (Because they are)
What is the cost?
Cost to post a profile is $10. Cost to repost is $10.
Do you give refunds?
No, we do not give refunds.