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The Christian Singles Hub
A “Hub” for Christian Singles to grow, connect, learn and to be in community.
Mission of The Christian Singles Hub
To bridge the gap for Christian Singles to connect, get equipped and to live abundant lives while building genuine connections along the way.
Our vision is to provide an opportunity for Christian Singles to meet, connect, be equipped and grow closer to Jesus through christian singles events, workshops, retreats, matchmaking, courses, christian speed dating, christian podcasts, workshops, mentorship and so much more.
- We Seek First The Kingdom – Matthew 6:33
- Everyone Has A Seat At Our Table – Matthew 9:10
- We Love God’s People & Honour Them Above Our Opinions – Philippians 2:3
- We Lead With Integrity and Respect – Romans 12:10
- We Choose To Always Walk In Faith – Proverbs 16:9