In Case you’re like Sarah (Part 2)

If you caught my last post, you’ll remember we dived into the story of Sarah from Genesis 16, where she made a pretty unconventional decision due to her inability to have children. But here’s something that struck me during my quiet time, while reading Hebrews 11:11. It says, “By faith even Sarah herself received the ability to conceive a child, even past the normal age for it” (AMP). I found myself wondering, how did Sarah, with her actions in Genesis 16 and her doubts, end up being celebrated as a woman of faith?

Then, it clicked when I revisited Genesis 18. Remember when the Lord visited Abraham and reassured him about Isaac’s birth? This time, Sarah heard it directly from the Lord. Before this, God’s promises were relayed through Abraham. But now, Sarah had her own personal encounter with God. That made me think, maybe this is why she’s honored in the hall of faith.This brings me to an important point for all of us. We need our own personal encounters with Jesus. Hearing about faith through others is one thing, but experiencing it firsthand is a game-changer. Whether you’re praying for a relationship, financial breakthrough, or any other desire, seek the Lord personally for answers. It’s great to get confirmation from others, but it’s crucial to know in your heart that God hears you. He’s aware of where you are and He won’t forsake you.Feed your faith by immersing yourself in His word. If you’re battling doubts like Sarah, let the Lord reassure you today. Redefine ‘impossible’ as ‘I AM Possible’. We serve the Great I Am, and nothing is beyond His reach.If your current chapter feels tough, remember Sarah’s journey. Her story shifted dramatically by Chapter 21 with Isaac’s birth. Just like her, you could be a few chapters away from a major turnaround in your life.We’re all in different seasons of life, and it’s okay to have questions and doubts. What matters is that we keep seeking God’s voice in our journey. He’s always ready to speak directly to our hearts. Stay encouraged and keep walking in faith!

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Written by Daria White Osah
You can find Daria Here: Devotional podcast Single Plus on Instagram @mysingleplus 

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