
It’s Strengthening You

In the last episode of season three’s The Chosen, we see Jesus walking on the water. Simon Peter joins Him after saying, “if it’s you, command me to come.” Jesus does. We’ve heard this story countless times in the Bible. You may have heard it preached too, but I like how the writers of The Chosen depicted this moment with Jesus and Simon Peter. I won’t spoil it if you haven’t seen it, but Simon isn’t happy in the scene. He’s frustrated with Jesus. I’d dare say angry too. Watch the rest of the season to find out why.

That sounds so wrong, right? Being angry with Jesus. We shouldn’t be angry with Jesus, should we? We’re told to never question God. I know I was taught that, but can I tell you something? You can ask God questions without questioning His character. I think that’s where the line is. You can express disappointment without doubting who He is and what He can do.

I’ll be honest. I’ve been angry at God. Several times. I’ll give you a list. I lost my beloved grandfather in 2005 after three years of praying for God to heal him. My family went through two church splits. I witnessed “Christians” rally together to throw my father out of the church in 2011. I’ve been cheated on in dating relationships.

From 2011 to 2015, I was in and out of the hospital with head injuries, knee injuries, and later stomach issues due to side effects with medication. I lost my paternal grandmother unexpectedly in 2014 and had to sing at her funeral. Not easy at all. I also witnessed former classmates and church members get married or have children before me, and some I can attest to the fact that it wasn’t always done God’s way. Here I was trying to do things God’s way, and He allows that for me to witness? Yeah, I have a list to be angry about.

Yet, the line that Jesus said to Simon in The Chosen resonated with me. He said, “This is strengthening you.” Huh? How is losing my grandfather strengthening me? Losing my grandmother? Being in and out of doctor’s offices? Or even in this last year alone, losing two jobs within eight months of each other?

How about you? Still single at __. No prospects. It looks bleak and hopeless as another year goes by. I don’t know why things happen as they do, but I’m seeing what Jesus is saying. His Word says we’ll be tried to test the genuineness of our faith. So if we never go through anything, how do we know we’re sincere? The song “Refiner” by Maverick City sounds good, but not until you’re really “tried by fire.” What about the three Hebrew boys? Soldiers actually threw them in the fire! Yet, they were not consumed.

So what do we do when we’re tried in the fire? I’ll tell you about my regimen. The Word of God is on my phone. I’m either listening to the Bible or I binge sermons on YouTube, specifically talking about what I’m going through. Between work and cooking, I listen all day. Why? To build my spirit up. If not, my thoughts will race about my problems. I can’t have that.

It’s strengthening you. Whatever you’re going through is strengthening you, so don’t let your trial go to waste focusing on the wrong thing. I know it makes little sense when you’re in the storm, but it will be clear when the clouds are gone.

I didn’t know it, but my grandfather dying was the catalyst for me reading my Bible more. The trips to the doctor showed me how to believe in God for physical healing. Even the recent job losses propelled me to expand my business and be an entrepreneur. There’s a reason for everything, as God works all things together. He doesn’t always save us from the fire, but trust He’s with you in it.

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Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:
Devotional https://www.amazon.com/Dear-Younger-Me-Devotional-Personal-ebook/dp/B09QRKBRGB/
Her podcast Single Plus https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/singleplus
& on Instagram @mysingleplus 

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