
Point People to Jesus

I want my life to truly please the Lord. Prior to engagement, I made the decision that in singleness, regardless of what people said, I wanted to please God. Did I get backlash for this? Absolutely. I can recall snarky comments and sarcastic remarks when I said I wasn’t dating anyone. Not that I didn’t want to, but I wouldn’t date just anybody. What did I hear? “Your standards are too high,” “Daria, that’s not realistic,” or my favorite, “You’re asking for too much.”

Was this discouraging? Yes. It even tempted me to settle back in 2019. I met a man who said he was “Christian.” While we had great conversations, it never felt right to me. Even when I thought God was giving confirmations, I didn’t realize I’d made assumptions because of desperation. The jokes wore me out. I didn’t want to hear, “You’re not getting any younger.”

Then God had the man and I go our separate ways, and Holy Spirit warned me not to talk to him again. Though it was tough, I didn’t. I obeyed, but I’ll be honest, I thought that was it. I assumed I wouldn’t meet anyone else. Yet, I wanted my life to point people to Jesus. I served in my local church and in online Christian communities.

God had me encouraging singles, my age, younger, and even older. My story inspired people, and it gave them hope. I didn’t know what God was doing, but I kept taking the next step. Then I took another step. Pointing people to Jesus should be the mission of us all. Single, married, relationship or not, may we offer our lives as worship to Him.

Even now, with marriage on the horizon for me, I aim to point people to Jesus. I don’t want to get married and His presence is not there. What kind of wedding is that when I don’t invite the key person I need? I won’t be able to sustain without Him, but I’m glad I invited Him into my life long before I got engaged.

Have you invited Jesus to be the center of your life? There’s a difference between Him being Savior and actually Lord. Some people settle thinking salvation is all we need, and while salvation is the starting place, Holy Spirit wants to take us deeper into Him. He wants our faith to grow. He wants our roots in Him strong.

This requires intentionality in our pursuit of Him. We have to read, study, and apply His word. We need to take time to pray and seek His face. Our part is crucial in our walk with Christ, and as we do so, we’ll point people to Jesus!

Can others say that about you? Now, in singleness, you’re still trusting God no matter what? I know it’s difficult. Painful. Discouraging even, but God hasn’t forgotten about you. Keep pointing people to Him in your words and actions. What He has for you will arrive in due time.

Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/

Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:

Devotional https://www.amazon.com/Dear-Younger-Me-Devotional-Personal-ebook/dp/B09QRKBRGB/

Her podcast Single Plus https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/singleplus

& on Instagram @mysingleplus 

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