There’s Power In Your Words

I listened to Genesis 1-2 on the Bible app, hearing how God created the heavens, earth, vegetation, day and night, and everything else we see. Closing my eyes, it gave me a fresh experience, visualizing God’s Spirit hovering over the formless world. Then He opened His mouth. First, how outstanding is our God! How did He separate the waters from the waters? We’ll never know because His ways are higher than our ways.

As I listened to the Creation story, I recall how God used His words. He said, “Let there be light.” What happened? Light showed up. There was no hesitation. No questions asked. It simply responded to its Creator.

I think we forget how powerful our words are. What are you confessing? “I’m not good enough,” “I’ll never get the promotion,” or, as singles, “I’ll always be alone.” Remember, life and death are in the tongue. So what are you speaking about today?

Are your words building you and others up, or are they tearing down? However, we must remember, our words originate from what we’re thinking about. If we don’t take our irrational thoughts captive, they will come out of our mouths. So take inventory of what you’re thinking about. If your thoughts or feelings don’t match God’s Word, they don’t need to come out of your mouth. Once you speak it, you’re giving it life. Good or bad. I don’t know about you, but I want all the good God has for me.

Does this make it easy? No. Life happens, right? Loss. Grief. Disappointments. Loneliness. Stress. Anxiety. These are legit experiences and we will face them. Yet God has given us an amazing gift. Free will. That means He’s empowered us to make choices. We can use them for His glory or allow the enemy or even ourselves to talk us out of God’s best for our lives.

I may feel grief, but I can choose joy. I may experience loss, but I can choose to believe God restores. I may feel lonely, but I can choose to say, “He’ll never leave me or forsake me.” This takes practice, especially when we’re used to allowing our thoughts to race. Or we say what we feel, not realizing we’re possibly delaying our blessings because our words lack belief.

What kept the children of Israel from entering the Promised Land? Why wander for forty years? Unbelief. Are your expectations low today? Is it hard to believe because it didn’t come through the last time? If there’s unbelief, we can ask God to help us. He can restore our child-like faith if we let Him. If He said it, that’s it. His words are enough.

I can use my words to speak in faith. When I don’t see the outcome, my faith is in Jesus, not the results. Even if He doesn’t bless the way I think He should, it doesn’t discredit His goodness. He’s still on the throne. He is God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth!

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Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:

Her podcast Single Plus & on Instagram @mysingleplus  

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