When Hope Feels Lost, Keep Showing Up

I know, life’s been tough, hasn’t it? Whether you’re in the midst of a storm or waiting for the spouse of your dreams, the challenges seem never-ending. You might even feel a bit numb. Many Christian Singles feel this way, and if you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone.

Let me share something personal with you. I recently got married, but that didn’t stop life from happening. I felt stuck in other circumstances despite the joy of married life, praying without feeling, attending church without connection. It felt like a barrier was there, blocking me from God.

But you know what? The answer isn’t to stop or lose hope. It’s to keep showing up. Keep digging until you strike oil. I did, and it made all the difference.

Two months of feeling ‘dry’ and then it happened – the dam broke. I felt God. Not that our relationship with Him is all about feelings, but I felt my best self in God. I felt accompanied. The lies that ‘nothing’s working out’ vanished.

You can experience this too. God can turn things around for you. Psalm 32:10 says, “Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord (ESV).” Hold on to that.

Keep praying. Keep believing. Whether you’re navigating the world of Christian dating, thriving in singleness, or dealing with loneliness, trust in God. Your season of life isn’t just a waiting period; it’s an opportunity for growth, a chance to deepen your relationship with Jesus.

You’re not alone. God’s with you, and He’s working in your favor. Keep showing up. You’re on the verge of something beautiful.

Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/

Written by Daria White Osah
You can find Daria Here: Devotional https://www.amazon.com/Dear-Younger-Me-Devotional-Personal-ebook/dp/B09QRKBRGB/
Her podcast Single Plus https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/singleplus
& on Instagram @mysingleplus 

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