When You’ve Done All You Can

As an author, I know when I reach the end point of writing the first draft. Knowing I’m too close to the story, I send it to my writing partners, who can give me a fresh perspective. When they send it back with their notes and suggestions, I have a new outlook on my book.

How do I know when I’ve reached the end point? My brain gets stumped for new ideas. Yes, it’s my story, but I can’t do it alone. I need writing partners, beta readers, and an editor. It’s part of the process since no author writes a perfect first draft.

How does this relate to singleness and dating? First, let me share this. I thought of an older Gospel song by Donnie McClurkin called “Stand.”

I listened to it a lot when I was a child and it was popular in the church I attended. Not only do I like the original by him, BeBe Winans had a version and I love the way he sings it too. The basis of the song is, when you’ve done all you know to do to live for God and nothing seems to work out, stand anyway and wait on Him.

Some singles when they hear, “Keep praying, believing, serving, and growing,” their response is, “I have. I’ve been faithful. I’ve been praying. I’m living my life to please God. How come I’m not married yet? What more can I do?”

Feel stumped, like I do with a book? I understand. Have you done the inner work, and no spouse has shown? You’re conferenced out. You’ve attended single events. You’re even stepping out and trying different things to have various experiences.

Why? You’ve been told not to sit around and wait for a spouse to have adventures. Have them now! So, that’s what you’re doing. Yet, you’re approaching another holiday season with no prospects.

We’re almost at the end of 2022, and what does that mean? Thanksgiving is typically with family, along with Christmas celebrations that may remind you of what you don’t have. A spouse and a family. What do you do as the song says?

Hasn’t God seen what you’re doing? You’re making the effort. You’ve denounced worldly living and seek to honor Him with your relationships.

So where’s the relationship you’ve been praying for? Doesn’t He see the deep longings of your heart to be married? Why doesn’t He change things for you? You’re wondering, will this even happen to you?

As stated before, I don’t know all the answers. Sure, we hear trust in God’s timing, but how many of us actually do? We hear be content, but how many of us practice this? You’re tired of hearing that, right?

All I can tell you is what I’m learning and intentionally have to do when things haven’t happened to me. It doesn’t have to always be relationship related either, but I hope this helps. Rehearse God’s Word more than your problems. Repeat His promises more than you repeat your lack of a special someone. As we talked about not complaining before, watch your conversation. Yes, be honest, but don’t doubt His character.

So after you’ve prayed, cried, and grieved, stand on His Word. I don’t know if the blessing for you is a spouse, but know that Jesus’ love runs deeper for you than a spouse ever could. Even once they come into your life, their love for you is just a drop compared to the sea of Calvary. Yes, a spouse’s love can be wonderful, but let’s not forget the real lover of our souls.

He’s here. He’s with you. He’s for you. So when you don’t know what else to do, draw closer to Him.

Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/

Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:

Devotional https://www.amazon.com/Dear-Younger-Me-Devotional-Personal-ebook/dp/B09QRKBRGB/
Her podcast Single Plus https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/singleplus & on Instagram @mysingleplus  

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