2025, A Year Of Intentionality
I don’t know about you but come the end of the year, God seems to always start to reveal to my heart a focus for the upcoming year. I take time to pray and lean in to what He is wanting to reveal to me. I start planning and preparing for all that is to come.
When I was a baby Christian I used to be afraid to make plans because I didn’t want to miss out on what the Lord was wanting to do, but I slowly came to realize the verse Proverbs 16:9 that says “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” to make plans, but to be flexible that the Lord can put me anywhere He chooses for me to go.
As I was pressing into this upcoming year, I really felt it was a year to be Intentional. The definition of Intentional says “done on purpose; deliberate”. The past few years of my life have been anything but intentional. It felt that so much of the things I did was out of convenience rather than out of intentionality.
When I was going through an immigration process for almost 2 years, my moves were very convenient since so much of everything was out of my control. I didn’t have a vehicle (because I couldn’t buy one), I couldn’t work in the USA, I couldn’t travel back to Canada as I couldn’t cross borders, I couldn’t even get a bank account.
I couldn’t go where I wanted or do the things I wanted, so my life was at the mercy of what felt like those around me and the Lord.
Thankfully He was and always is faithful.
Then this past year being on a full US tour, we really were just going and moving so rapidly that most times we could barely keep up. So it makes sense that this coming year as we begin to slow down things need to become more intentional.
The work I am doing needs to be intentional, the places I go, the travel I take, the things I consume need to be more intentional. It is crucial not only for this season but to where God is calling me to go.
So I began to ponder, and do research of what that practically looks like? What does it look like to be intentional with every area of my life?
#1 To be Intentional in my Spiritual Life – to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33), to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), to present my requests to him specifically (Philippians 4:6). To be more Intentional with my time with Him, with my prayer life, with my bible reading.
It means to be diligent in these areas, to do everything on purpose. Being intentional in prayer means keeping an ongoing connection with God. This doesn’t mean praying all the time, but it means to maintain a constant awareness of God’s presence and seeking Him in every situation I find myself in. To continuously check in and commune with the Lord.
Practically How I will implement this: To set healthy boundaries around my time especially in the morning, to establish healthy routines that get me into a rhythm of naturally spending time with the Lord. To not have a set amount of time, but to really lean in to the Lord (Thankfully my schedule is what I make it, but I know that isn’t everyone’s luxury).
To not schedule meetings in the mornings so that I won’t feel rushed to get to my work, because my work will excel even more when I have spent time with the Lord hearing what He has said.
#2 To be intentional to soak in the present moment – How often are we rushing from where we are to what is next that we aren’t even enjoying what’s around us. I feel like this was us last year running from place to place that we didn’t quote un quote “stop to smell the roses”.
We were just moving and on mission, which wasn’t a bad thing and it had it’s purpose, but I want to take time to enjoy a chai latte with a good book, enjoy a sunset on a sunny day, to take it all in and embrace the moment.
I want to be in charge of my life, not let my life be in charge of me. I want to breathe deeper, and actually be more aware of the current moment rather than always rushing to what is next. The bible says “Be Still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10 There is a reason we need to be still.
Practically How I will implement this: By practising stillness. That means not packing my schedule so full that I am rushing from place to place, project to project, meeting to meeting but really slowing. Adding in things that are essential and getting rid of those things that are not. I just finished reading the book essentialism which is a great book for someone who needs to clear the clutter.
# 3 To be intentional with my body. It is a vessel of The Holy Spirit: “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1st Corinthians 10:31 Remember that saying “You are what you eat” well it’s kind of true. When we consume things that our body isn’t made to consume we become sluggish and tired, lazy and unmotivated. Fuelling our body is so important, but that also isn’t just food.
What are we consuming? Our Tv/Movies, Our Podcasts, Music – is it fuelling you or is it draining you? Be mindful of these things. Being intentional means being cautious about what influences you, the relationships you maintain, and the content you consume.
Practically How I will implement this: Eating whole foods that provide nutritious. Less processed food and more real food. Being mindful of what I am watching/reading/consuming. That doesn’t mean you can’t ever splurge but if you are splurging every day then it’s going to add up in the long run. When I add treats in occasionally they actually feel like treats and not just something that I can have daily.
#4 To be intentional with the work of our hands: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,” – Colossians 3:23 “Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1st Corinthians 14:40 The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, But those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty.” – Proverbs 21:5
My work is owned by the Lord, but He has entrusted me to steward it well. How am I stewarding what He has given me authority over? Am I adding so much to my plate that I am short, impatient, stressed and have little time for anyone including myself?
Practically How I will implement this: We are going to do less in 2025, but do it more intentionally. Ensuring that everything we put our hands to we are doing with care. By cutting down on the amount of things we are doing, we can take the things we do take on and do them with excellence. This also allows time for God to open doors, or plant things in our heart and us have the bandwidth for them.
#5 To be intentional of the places, and spaces I walk into: “Ponder the path of your feet, And let all your ways be established.” –Proverbs 4:26 The places and spaces you are walking into are either refreshing you, or draining you. Over time this will have a compound effect on your life either way.
The places that refresh you will help you be all that you can be, they will encourage you, edify you and speak life over you. And Vice versa.
Practically How I will implement this: Be aware of my surroundings, friendships, social circles, and places that I am walking into. Ask the Lord for discernment over what is helping me to become all that He wants me to become. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” – Proverbs 4:23
Guarding your heart is crucial because it is the wellspring of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. When you protect your heart, you create a foundation for making wise and righteous choices. It’s not about building walls but being discerning, so you can reflect God’s love and truth in all that you do.
Are the conversations I have with friends building me up or are they just keeping me where I have always been. Are the environments I am in life giving, even with travel this is important, as I know we will still travel – are we going places just because or are we going places we are supposed to be going, are we thriving in those places.
# 6 To be intentional of our investments: “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it—Luke 14:28
Practically How I will implement this: By being prayerful about all our investments. By moving when the Lord says move, and staying when the Lord says stay.
Do you have a word for 2025? What are some ways that you are practically going to be intentional in 2025?
Written By Michelle Apples
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