7 Relationship Goals for 2025

7 Relationship Goals for 2025

Whether you are single or newly dating I think it’s important to sit down and set vision for your dating life & relationships.

7 Relationship Goals for 2025 #1 Put God First Both In Our Relationship or Your Single Life
How are some ways you practically can achieve this:
Doing daily devotionals together and discuss the word if you are in a relationship and if you are single than using the time to really get intimate with the Lord in this season. Relationships can be a distraction to undivided time with the Lord so utilize that season.

Praying for Each Other or For Your Singleness to be used Asking each other through the week how can I specifically pray for you this week, and praying into the season you are in wether dating or single. Where does God want you right now, what is he teaching you?

Going To Church & Not Allowing You To Get Distracted By Relationships It’s easy to get lazy, complacent or find a million other things to do with each other, but it’s great when you have someone who keeps you accountable when you just don’t “feel” like it. If you aren’t dating find Godly friends that will also keep you accountable.

When i put God in the centre of my relationship I am less anxious of if it is going to work out and more surrendered to God’s path for my life. My consistent prayer for this relationship was God if it is not for me – shut the doors, I don’t want it.

7 Relationship Goals for 2025 #2 Constantly Communicate Communication is so important. We talk about If either of you have a concern then we just put it on the table and talk about it. Practise this in your singleness with friends. Don’t avoid conflict! Face it head on and learn to be vulnerable with the people in your life, it will help you that much more when you get into a relationship.

How do you achieve this: Schedule time to talk about anything frustrating, check in once a week to address any concerns.This helps to ensure you are handling it in the right time/setting and not addressing it at an inappropriate time or in a heated moment.

7 Relationship Goals for 2025 #3 Stay Spontaneous Getting in a relationship or being single means a ton of TV time, right? Wrong! Be intentional to talk about not getting caught up in getting too comfortable with doing the same thing every day. Things should still be fun and fresh and they won’t remain that way if you are just watching TV every time we hang out. Does that mean we don’t ever watch it? No.

How to achieve this: Try to be creative and come up with new things to do with your new beau or your friends. Play games, boxing outside, paint night, cook together (have theme nights: Mexican, Italian Etc), dance in the kitchen, go for walks in the neighbourhood, talk about goals, brainstorm for business Ideas etc. It helps switch things up and keep things fresh.

7 Relationship Goals for 2025 #4 Learning a New Skill How do we achieve this: Come up with something new you can learn.

This year we plan to learn a new skill together. No idea what that is yet, maybe you have a suggestion? Learning helps to not only show a different side of each other, but also to be more vulnerable around the other person. It’s never fun to be new at something, but laugh it off with your partner and enjoy it. If you are single – try a new hobby or learn something new – it will help you be more comfortable and have new things to talk about.

7 Relationship Goals for 2025 #5 Consistently Pursue/Court Each Other How to achieve this: Be intentional with the pursuit; send sweet texts, bring over something unexpected (wine, chocolates, flowers or something specific she/he said they needed/wanted), give compliments that make each other feel good, and if you are single than take care of yourself. Take yourself on date nights, you learn so much about yourself by spending time solo.

7 Relationship Goals for 2025 #6 Continue to do little things to make the other person feel valued. How do we achieve this:

Little gestures mean the world to me. My Love language is Acts of Service so when someone goes out of their way for me it is EVERYTHING! I love love the little things. Now if their love language is words of affirmation it may be giving more compliments, sending encouraging texts, or slipping a love note into his pocket to make them feel appreciated. If you are single learn this about your friends.

7 Relationship Goals for 2025 #7 Make The Relationship a Priority Make sure that you are making your relationship a priority and vice versa, but also not taking over your whole life. That means scheduling dates ahead of time, including them in your plans, and adding them into your life where ever I can. Making someone a priority is really about choosing the relationship and making it a non negotiable rather than an option. Choose to do this with your most valuable friends if you are single. Show up for them and make them a priority.

Now don’t think I forgot all about you singles. If you are intentionally looking for a relationship, why not make your own set of relationship goals for this year. What do you want your dating life to look like in 2025? Do you want to date more to get more experience and put yourself out there, do you want to date smarter and have higher standards?

Also asking yourself what perspective/attitude are you bringing into dating this year? If you go into dating already thinking you are going to fail then you probably will.

Do you have anything that is hindering your dating life? Past traumas, trust issues, insecurities?

Some goals may include: Putting yourself out there more, being more intentional on dating apps, making a list of non negotiable in a partner so you don’t waste your time with people who aren’t compatible, working on insecurities you have to put your best foot forward in dating, practising self care (because if you don’t care about yourself – how is someone else going to), and focusing on things that make you happy (because let’s face it when someone is genuinely happy in their life – people flock to them.)

Written By Michelle Apples

Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/ 

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