
9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025

9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025

9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025 #1.) Change your mindset
The minute you go from “men are bad” or “dating sucks” to “I’ve made bad choices in men and dating”the shift happens. You cannot attract what aligns if you don’t identify what you’re attracting now. Accountability is what takes you from hurt too healed.

9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025 #2.) Stop with the swipe right mentality and start looking at one at a time
Our brain is not wired to handle so many choices. When you go from the mindset of I wonder what else is out there to the mindset of I am grateful to be getting to know this one person everything changes. You become more intentional which helps you be more successful.

9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025 #3.) Put yourself out there
Think a guy/girl is cute – slide into her DM’s (in a totally non creepy way) and start a conversation. Conversation doesn’t have to be weird. Go into it like you would if you were talking to a friend, chances are when you actually get to know them you may not even like them so going in platonically to just meet new people and connect is always a good idea. Or try a virtual event to meet new people.

9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025 #4.) Forget Prerequisites
I have seen it a million times that people come to me with lists of criteria that they are looking for (race, height, religion, interests, hobbies), and let’s be honest you are searching for an “idea” not a person. The person you end up with is probably going to be different than you expected but if you don’t open up to that idea then you probably will be searching for a long time, and guaranteed when you find it you won’t even like him/her that much.

9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025 #5.) Make yourself the number one priority
Especially as women we are so quick to jump to the questions do they like me? is this going anywhere? are they thinking about me, but we often forget the important questions like do I like them? do they align with where I am going and what I am doing? am I genuinely thinking of them or am I just thinking about if they are thinking about me?

Make yourself the number one priority and you will learn what you really value and if they are showing up for you the way they should be.

9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025 #6.) Have fun
Dating should be fun – yet we tend to put this undeniable pressure on dating the moment we meet someone, instead go in like you would if you were meeting a friend and then see if you two click, if you authentically can be yourself around the other person and you enjoy spending time together then great, spend more time and let it develop as you are enjoying each others company.

9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025 #7.) Be authentically yourself
If you show up to meet someone trying to be someone else they are going to like or dislike the person you are pretending to be not the person you actually are. Show up as you, and if at that point they don’t like you – it’s their loss.

9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025 #8.) Learn more about your triggers
One thing that has really helped me is knowing what triggers me so I know I am not getting mad or irritated or am not giving someone a chance because of my own emotional baggage not how they actually are.

For example if I ask someone a question and they don’t want to answer it and they say no – it triggers me because when I was a kid I used to always be told no and I would never get the why behind the no and now that I know that I can speak that out in the moment rather then get offended or irritated.

9 Ways To Improve Your Dating Life In 2025 #9.) Invest in dating
We invest in clothes to make us look stylish, gym/fitness classes to help us stay/get fit, courses for education, massages/spa dates for wellness, supplements/vitamins for health but rarely do we invest in relationships. Go buy a dating book, take an online course, hire a dating coach or matchmaker and start making the moves to invest/focus on your relationship goals

Written By Michelle Apples

Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/ 

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