Kingdom Relationships

If you missed the recent live broadcast with Michelle and me in the Christian Singles Facebook group, you missed my engagement announcement. Want to know the story? Listen or watch “God’s Timing is Perfect” on Apple Podcasts or Single Plus’ YouTube Channel! I know some will be excited to hear my testimony while for others, it’s a reminder of what you don’t have. I hear you. I’ve been there, but this post is to bring encouragement. God is still putting Kingdom relationships together!

I’ve prayed for kingdom relationships for the last few years. Not just my own, but for other men and women who seek to honor God with their relationships and future marriages. If you’ve been watching Pastor Michael Todd from Transformation Church, you know their word for the year is Kingdom! I can’t explain why I sensed the same word in my spirit for relationships, but God is putting people together. How? I’m living it!

Not to mention, it’s all around me. I’ve seen Kingdom partnerships come together. Even recently, witnessing a single woman marry the man she’d been praying for. It’s happening all around us, and while you may not be experiencing it now, it can happen!

I’m reminded of Abraham now. How was he able to give up Isaac without questioning God? The son he’d prayed for. Waited for. Even with Ishmael’s birth, God still brought Isaac, as promised. So Abraham is basking in the years of having his beloved son, and now God wants him to kill Isaac?

What comes to mind is Abraham knew God’s track record. When he told him to leave his family, he provided for him. He spared Lot when He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. He blessed him and Sarah with Isaac in their old age, promising a nation would come through his bloodline. So Abraham obeyed simply because he believed God!

Do you believe in God for your Kingdom relationship? Be honest. What has you second guessing Him and His timing? It doesn’t matter if you’re in your twenties, early fifties, or somewhere in between. Do you believe God? Not just for the marriage you’re desiring, but for everything else in your life?

If your faith is shaken, get back into His Word and His presence. It may sound cliché to “pray about it,” but do you know that’s our secret weapon? We have direct access to the Creator, so why not take advantage of it? Call out to Him! He’s listening.

I know, some may think, “easy for you to say, Daria. You got someone now.” Can I tell you something? I’ve always had someone, and so do you. It’s sad that some of us think higher of having a spouse before pursuing Jesus. The desire for marriage is not wrong, but has it become an idol? Do we think it’s the end all be all in life? How is the pursuit of a love on earth greater than the eternal love we have with Jesus Christ?

Instead of focusing on what’s not happening, shift your perspective to what is. God is faithful! He knows where you are, and trust me when I say, He can turn things around in no time. Speaking from a woman who went through twelve years of no prospects to an engagement ring. It doesn’t mean Jesus loves me more, but a Kingdom partner is necessary for my assignment now.

What about you? Are you fulfilling your assignment now? Don’t know it? Seek God’s Kingdom today! As you do, you’ll be surprised who He has for you to help carry it out! Keep praying and believing. God is still bringing Kingdom relationships together. He needs them in the earth to represent His original agenda. If that’s your desire and it matches His will, it will happen.

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Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:
Her podcast Single Plus
& on Instagram @mysingleplus 

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