Let It Go

I’m a huge classic movie fan, so the most recent film I’ve watched is 1950’s Gun Crazy. It depicts a man and woman, Bart and Laurie, who marry and lead a life of crime, which only leads to tragedy. I won’t spoil the ending, but what I can say is while Bart wants to get out of the lifestyle, Laurie says something to him that many Christian singles still hear today. “If you love me, you’ll do __.”

As I watched this film, I saw a man with overall good intentions live on the run because of his wife’s influence. He was so in love that he didn’t have the strength to take a stand and say, “I’m not doing this anymore.” His wife led him further and further astray. She even convinced him to pull one last robbery, saying, “It’s our last one. Just one more time.” Bart doesn’t stand a chance and gives into her coaxing.

We hear all the time as Christian singles, not to settle for toxic relationships. Yet, how many of us stay because we fear being alone? We think things like, what if this is my last chance? What if I never meet someone else? Perhaps I can help them change for the better? Wrong my friends.

Yes, God can use us to influence others, but only He can change people from the inside out. If someone is not willing to change for Jesus, what makes us think we can change them? Jesus gave up everything.

His home. His life, and some people still reject His love. A love that’s perfect compared to anything else in this world. If that’s not enough for someone, why would flawed human love be any better?

If you’re holding onto something that’s killing you from the inside out, let it go. We don’t see the consequences of internal wounds, but they’re just as detrimental as physical ones. Is your relationship with God suffering because of this connection or relationship? Are you compromising your standards to “keep the peace?” Has the person pulled you further and further away from God since you met them? Hard questions to ask, I know.

I’d even dare say this. No relationship is more important than your relationship with Jesus Christ. No one should make you choose between them and your faith. Jesus comes first, and while He can restore relationships, don’t force something that was a bad idea to begin with. Patterns don’t lie. So if this is you, I don’t care how long or short it’s been. Let it go. I know, cue Elsa from Frozen lol.

Trust that God has better relationships for you. Don’t buy into the lie that He doesn’t care about the details of your life. He does, and He wants to be involved. When you release your expectations, watch Him blow your mind. It may not happen in the timing that you think, but He knows how to redeem time.

Sometimes obedience feels like you’re losing. You wonder, is this ever going to happen, but do you know whom you’re serving? You serve a God that at His command, light appears even before He created the sun. The moon hasn’t moved since He put it in its place. He’s that powerful, so trust Him with your life today!

Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/

Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:
Devotional https://www.amazon.com/Dear-Younger-Me-Devotional-Personal-ebook/dp/B09QRKBRGB/
Her podcast Single Plus https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/singleplus
& on Instagram @mysingleplus 

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