When Disappointment Knocks

I’m sure some of you can understand the phrase, “you’re qualified, but unfortunately, we’re not moving forward with your application.” I know. I’ve heard it too, and it’s disappointing. You got your hopes up. The interview went well. You heard what they said but what you heard instead, “you’re not good enough.”

We can relate this to dating. Feeling disappointed. Rejected. Everything was going so well, right? Chemistry was there. This person made you laugh and feel comfortable. You thought there would be a second date, but no. You either get “friend zoned,” ghosted, and everything else in between.

What do you do when disappointment knocks? You didn’t invite it. I only advise you not to be like Billie Holiday’s classic song, “Good Morning Heartache.” She even says in the song she “might as well get used to it hanging around.” I love Billie, but we don’t have to make bed-and-breakfast accommodations for heartaches and disappointments. Who should we invite? Jesus.

Invite Him into those low places. Let Him know how you’re feeling. Be honest about where you are. Only He can truly help you. No sense in thinking you can fix things on your own.

What do I do? First, I acknowledge the disappointment. It’s real. I’m human. There are moments that I have. I may even cry, but I’ve decided not to let my moments have me. I’ve even created emotional boundaries with myself. Yes, because sometimes we are our own worst enemy. So when those feelings arise or I’m triggered by another person’s words, I tell myself, “Daria, we will not allow this to damper our spirit. God knows where we are.” I may have to say this over ten times a day, but I’ve created that boundary.

Do you need to create boundaries against your emotions? What do you do when your mind replays disappointment? How about when you’re tempted to doubt God’s plans for you? Tell yourself, “I can have my moment, but the moment won’t have me.” We need to be mindful of what we’re thinking about. Some thoughts stay in our minds too long, which influences our emotions. It reminds me of Debra Fileta’s Book Are You Really Ok?

One point she made in her book blessed me. If the thoughts we have don’t align with God’s Word, we need to challenge them. Just because we think something doesn’t mean it’s true. Saying “I’m always alone” may be how you feel, but God’s Word says, “I’m with you always.” You may think “nothing good ever happens to me,” but God tells us to “seek His kingdom and then He’ll add other things.”

Sounds simple, but it can be challenging. The good news is, we don’t have to do it alone. There is Holy Spirit in us. We have God’s Word. We have a Godly community to support and encourage us. Don’t let disappointment make a home inside your heart. Replace it with Jesus instead.
Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/

Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:
Devotional https://www.amazon.com/Dear-Younger-Me-Devotional-Personal-ebook/dp/B09QRKBRGB/
Her podcast Single Plus https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/singleplus
& on Instagram @mysingleplus 

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