
As A Man Thinketh So Is He

Henry Ford once quoted “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right”and he was right. The biggest thing standing against ourselves is… you guessed it! Ourselves.

When it comes to being in a relationship mindset matters and I know in my own experiences I have had to really work (and am still working) on ensuring that my mindset was/is right. When I was younger I was always afraid of someone disappointing me so I would always look for the disappointment, I would always look for a problem, and my mindset was always thinking of what was going wrong and rarely thinking of what was going right.

I was single for about 5 years and God really had to work on this with me. (and still is working on this). I was the most optimistic person I knew EXCEPT for in a relationship, because well men have failed me since I was 5 years old so why would they stop failing me now.

After being single for 5 years I started dating these really incredible Godly men and I had to realize that not all men are going to fail you. I have had some incredible relationships that although weren’t meant to be I never felt like these men failed me, but they simply raised my standard in dating and raised my standard for what a Good honouring relationship truly looks like. I no longer need to look for disappointment, but look for how can I leave someone better than I found them.

Proverbs 23:7 says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” which tells us how powerful our thoughts truly are. If I constantly think men are going to fail me then they probably will because my expectation is set on that, my mind is set on that.

Your mind has so much power, so don’t allow your thoughts to hold you captive.

Have you allowed your mind and thoughts hinder your relationships?

Written By Michelle Apples

Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/ 

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