Embracing God’s Love and Purpose

As a huge fan of the late Aaliyah, her music still resonates with me even though she’s no longer with us. Recently, humming her song ‘I Don’t Wanna’ made me pause and reflect. Please know that I mean no disrespect to her, as I will always cherish her songs. But let’s talk about how our world’s thinking on relationships can sometimes be warped.

It’s disheartening to see codependency creeping into our lives and even infiltrating our church settings. Singing lyrics like, ‘I can’t breathe without you. Speak without you. Eat without you. Feel like I’m going to die without you’ reflects a mindset that’s unhealthy for relationships. Yes, God designed us for connections and community, and we shouldn’t neglect gathering with fellow believers. However, it’s crucial to remember that our worth and identity don’t solely rely on our dating relationships or the lack thereof.

I’ve personally experienced heart-wrenching breakups, and I empathize with those going through similar struggles. But if we find ourselves thinking, ‘I can’t live without this person,’ it’s a red flag. Remember who you were before you met them. You were living and you can continue to do so without them. And if someone selfishly tells you that you’re undesirable and won’t find love elsewhere, trust me, it’s time to walk away.

Let’s focus on growth. We need to keep growing in our relationship with Jesus and understanding our worth in Him. He valued us so much that He left His throne and died on the cross for us. Personally, if I were to take Aaliyah’s song literally, I’d sing it to Jesus because I can’t breathe without Him. My world would be turned upside down without Him. He’s the one I truly need, and He completes me like no one else can.

Now, let’s talk about you. Will you trust that God has your best interests at heart? Will you believe that He is working everything out for your good? If you find yourself praying persistently but still feeling stuck, it might be worth examining whether you’re focusing too much on your problems instead of meditating on His Word. Are you leaving your quiet time still rehearsing what’s wrong in your life? Remember, relationships are wonderful, but you can thrive with God. He is the ultimate source of fulfillment.

So, let’s embrace singleness and make the most of this season. This current phase of life holds tremendous value and potential. Align your actions and beliefs with your Christian values, deepening your relationship with God and preparing ourselves for the future, whether it includes marriage or not.

Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/

Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:
Devotional https://www.amazon.com/Dear-Younger-Me-Devotional-Personal-ebook/dp/B09QRKBRGB/
Her podcast Single Plus https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/singleplus
& on Instagram @mysingleplus 

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