When it Doesn’t Happen Right Away

I’m currently in a season where I’m waiting for God to move. I’ve done my part the best I know how, willing to learn and grow to improve. Like farmers plant their fields to receive a harvest, I’m expecting God to bless my efforts. What’s been challenging? Leaving the outcome up to Him. That’s what’s out of my control. I can’t predict what’s around the corner, so leaving that in His hands is what I’m learning to do.

What do you do when things don’t happen right away? You don’t get the promotion you thought you would. Your business takes a while to take off, even though you’re working hard. You’ve been in the dating world, putting yourself out there, but you haven’t met your spouse.

What goes through your mind in the waiting seasons? “What’s God doing?” “Why is this so hard?” “Why won’t this happen to me?”

It’s in seasons like this that I find myself in a tight spot. Know the phrase, “between a rock and a hard place?” That’s what I feel when waiting for God. Can I be honest? I hate the tight spot! I’m not even claustrophobic, but that’s what comes to mind when I think of this inconvenient place.

Let’s backtrack though. Is it really inconvenient when I really see what’s going on? God is positioning me to watch Him work on my behalf. We know how the Israelites complained when they faced the red sea, but didn’t God part the waters? What about Gideon? Didn’t God give him and his army victory with only three hundred men?

When I think of the tight spots I’ve been in before, it gave me an opportunity to see God in a new way. If there wasn’t sickness, I wouldn’t know Him as a healer. If there wasn’t lack, I wouldn’t know Him as a provider. Does this mean God sets us up to lose? Does He want us to struggle? Of course not, but we still live in a sinful world and what we see around is the consequences of it. Yet, as a child of God, we have victory in Jesus!

It may “feel” like we’re losing, but we really aren’t. Even if you don’t get the promotion at work, what if God provides another way through another job? Even if your business is taking longer to emerge, what if God is building your skills so you can handle more when it launches? If you’ve been desiring a spouse, what if God is giving you the time in singleness to not only heal, but to focus on the calling He’s given you? What if your calling right now doesn’t require a spouse?

I know this is never easy. We wonder and we question the tight spot. It’s not comfortable. It’s unpleasant. I hear you and I get it. I still don’t like it, but even now I’m challenged to shift my perspective. When the doubts and fears arise, I ask myself a few questions.

“Has God ever failed me?” No, and even when disappointed, He turned things around for the better than I ever imagined. His outcome was better. “Has God ever left me to drown?” Never. “Will He ever desert me?” Not a chance!

I listened to “Firm Foundation (He Won’t)” with Cody Carnes and Chandler Moore this past weekend. I encourage you to listen today if you need a reminder. Jesus Christ is our firm foundation! Even when storms come, we won’t break because the Word of God is solid. Rehearse the scriptures to yourself more than your problems. You may not feel it, but this is about faith. I can tell you that when I least expect it, God comes through in such a way that it makes me say, “You were covering me all along.”

Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/

Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:

Devotional https://www.amazon.com/Dear-Younger-Me-Devotional-Personal-ebook/dp/B09QRKBRGB/
Her podcast Single Plus https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/singleplus & on Instagram @mysingleplus  

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