When It’s God

How do you know when it’s God? You meet someone, and it appears as if it has the potential to be more. The pursuit is there. The attraction is mutual. You laugh and enjoy each other’s company. So… does this mean he or she is “the one?”

First, you’ve already found the one in Jesus Christ. He’s the only one that can fulfill the inner parts of you. No human being can carry that.

So back to the question. How do you know if it’s God? Well, do you know God for yourself? Are you in His Word enough to know His voice? Character? Attributes? The things He loves versus the things He hates?

I think your relationship with Jesus should be the compass to help you guide all of your relationships, not just romantic ones. Does this person love what God loves? Do they obey the Word or only listen to it? Yes, faith comes by hearing, but we’re also called to be doers of the Word of God.

If you recall Galatians 5:22-23, the Apostle Paul lists the fruits of the Spirit. There’s no gray area. They either show the fruits of the Spirit or they don’t. Yes, we all make mistakes, but there’s a difference between an honest mistake and habitual sin with the attitude of, “God will forgive me. He knows my heart.” True, and the Bible also says the heart is deceitful. Don’t be deceived into justifying sin while claiming to love God.

Love Jesus? Keep His commandments through His Spirit. Do we still struggle? Yes, but we can do all things in His power and not in our efforts alone.

Is this easy? No, but we’re to live a surrendered life. Is this person you’re interested in living a surrendered life? Is it consistent? How do you determine consistency? Give it time. Don’t rush getting to know someone. God will reveal their hearts in due time, so release the expectation and gather data.

Not everyone we meet will be our spouse.

So again, how do you know? Do they have a relationship with Jesus? Is there alignment? Do your beliefs, values, and morals mesh or clash? Are they an asset to your calling or a hindrance? Do they push you closer to God or further away?

The decision to marry is your choice. God’s given us free will, but I think a good question to ask is, “can God get the glory out of this relationship?” Once you’ve evaluated and gathered data, ask this question. If the answer is no, then realize God has better. If the answer is yes, God bless the union you’ve created. May it be a light to a dark world desperately wanting to have healthy relationships.

I pray to God to restore this area as we take back kingdom relationships. The enemy has confused it for far too long. So if you hope to marry and raise a kingdom generation, may God keep it together as you surrender the relationship and marriage to Him. Apart from Him, we can do nothing.

Check out The Christian Singles Hub website for information on Christian matchmaking, Christian speed dating, upcoming Christian retreats, events, trips and so much more at https://thechristiansingleshub.com/

Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:

Devotional https://www.amazon.com/Dear-Younger-Me-Devotional-Personal-ebook/dp/B09QRKBRGB/
Her podcast Single Plus https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/singleplus & on Instagram @mysingleplus  

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