You Don’t Have To Apologize For Being Hurt

You wouldn’t dare tell someone who’s bleeding, “You need to pray harder.” Or if someone was having a heart attack, you wouldn’t say, “Call on Jesus. He’ll help you.” It’s irrational right? Call 911! Help this person get immediate medical attention. Or if you’re the person in need, you wouldn’t wait around to get help. Your life is at stake!

I recorded a podcast with this same title, but I wanted to revisit it here. We don’t take care of emotional pain the same way we do physical wounds. Whether it’s a breakup. Separation. Cheating. Divorce, and no, this is not only applicable to relationships. Perhaps there’s a death in the family. Job loss. A business went bankrupt after so many years of hard work.

You’re hurt and you can admit that. I know as Christians, some want us to put on a mask. We’re supposed to be strong. Never allowing our faith to waver. Never question God and what He’s doing. Walk by faith, right?

Yes, we should walk by faith. Yes, we shouldn’t be led by our feelings, but remember, God cares. If a breakup has disappointed you and you thought it would lead to marriage, tell God in prayer. You never predicted your marriage would end in divorce, so express your grief to Jesus. A broken engagement? Or you went on dates with this person only to be discouraged when it fizzled out? The pain is real, and it doesn’t matter if you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, or 60s plus. The season of life is different, but the wound is just as potent.

So what do you do? How do you deal with emotional pain? First, admit it to God. Start with Him. You can even write out your heartfelt prayers in a journal. Let the tears fall, but be honest. Should Holy Spirit lead you to Christian counseling, make the investment. There’s no shame in that. God wants you whole, including your emotional and mental health.

Second, Godly community. This may or may not be your immediate family. While you love them, they may not have the spiritual discernment you need. Is this your church family? Can you talk to your lead pastor or even someone you know who’s grounded in the Word? No, don’t share with everyone, but ask God for an inner circle. Even Jesus had Peter, James, and John. Find yours.

Third, remember you still have a choice. No, we can’t control what happens to us. We’re only in control of our parts involved and how we respond. Don’t let the enemy beat you so low that you let bitterness, resentment, and anger grow. You can still choose joy!

Sounds unconventional, right? How can you choose joy when an ex leaves? When your marriage ends in divorce? Or when you’re approaching 40 or 60 and have never been married? This has nothing to do with circumstances. It’s about the completed work of Jesus Christ. He’s our solid rock. Our guarantee. Nothing shakes Him.

You can tell Him anything and everything. He’s not scared of your pain. I’ll even share with you what He said to me in prayer once. “Daria, there’s nothing you can tell me that I can’t handle.”

Bring every fear, doubt, loss, and hurtful moment to Jesus today! You don’t have to know the future to trust Him. He knows! No, you don’t have to apologize for being hurt. Just don’t let the pain go unattended. Don’t let the enemy rob you of your joy. There’s still something to hope for because of who Jesus is!

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Written by Daria White Osah

You can find Daria Here:

Her podcast Single Plus & on Instagram @mysingleplus  

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